
I'd like to welcome you to the website designed around technology. Please feel free to post about any technology you use and how you use it or ask questions about the use of technology you have or might be interested in.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tips for SPAM

I'm sure you have all had that annoying spam being sent to your friends from your email address.... Well you can solve that by adding a contact in your contacts list that is aaa@aaa.com. This will be the first contact in your list always and the spam will hit it first and see a bad email address. this sometimes stops the spam right there and it won't go any further into your contacts list, but most importantly is that it will send a notification to your email that delivery to aaa@aaa.com couldn't be done. This tells you that something or someone has gotten into your email and is trying to send out spam mail to your friends. From there you can have a search done on your comuter to make sure there is no spambot on it sending out emails and second and most importantly you should change the password into your email account.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Personal Safety

  There are a lot of ways that your personal information can get out there. Be very careful what you say in chat rooms that would give away your address, phone number, or any other personal information as this kind of information can lead to other information through simple internet searches.
  If you are purchasing anything online always look for the security signs at the bottom of any page you might be ordering from this proves that they are verified as secure and encrypt all of the traffic so someone can't get your financial information.
   Be very careful with your kids online and monitor what they say and do especially in chat rooms. A child perpetrator could over the course of a few months extract all of the information from your child that would lead them right to your doorstep or even the school they go to. A lot of children have been abducted this way and it is a constant threat.
  If you do online banking make sure that the bank page has a verified security on it as well. Never give anyone for any reason your SSN, Account numbers, usernames, or passwords to sites. When signing into sites make sure it is a valid site a lot of would be thieves will set up a dummy site ad when you enter in your username and password they now have that information.

  Many more tips to follow and if you have any comments, requests feel free to comment.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

What is this site about?

There are many tools you can use to protect your computer. You'll find free tools like Avast Anti-Virus or AVG Anti-virus. There are ones that you can pay for like Kaspersky and McAffee. So how do you know what's best for you. That's what this blog is designed for, to help you find the answers to these questions, and many more designed around your own personal use of all technology.